Wednesday 28 April 2010

OMG I changed my blog


I did have a commodore64 but it broke when I was little :/ still have an atari 2600 (in my nans loft) and sega master system though oh yeah and a snez with no wires (bit useless).


first lessons were english and music, meh getting a bit tired of playing longview over and over while sharky does his 'thing' with his flute ;)

then break

then physics

then lunch, I cant believe joel has gone to the belgium guy and told him to make me and oli put him in our dorm D: whata faggot. I just had faggots for tea aswell LOL (they are nice though tbf) Someone caught a Zapdos on the field!
me 'it would be well funny if we all went off the field and ben and george were still on not realising were everyone had gone'
oli 'lol they'd just be walking round in circles making weird noises'
me 'george does that anyway'
oli 'ha lol'
me 'no seriously look'
*looks over at george whos walking around in circles while making weird noises*

^true story

 then we had a lecture ;D on space and shit, twas funny
I actually nearly shat myself

then history

then home.
you think your more retro?

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Response To Nick

Gold > Silver

silver lugia is on level 40
gold its on level 70

so yeah

And btw I had original Red so HA I'M MORE RETRO THEN YOU!
Growlith = best pokemon evar!!

Norman, Bringers, And White Sticky Stuff ;D

Whats happenin' bloggers


k. So first was..

Drama: meh.


Break: I actually almost cryed when I found out Norman was gone :'( Sarahs Boob is now nameless, its just like any other normal boob, nothing special.

P.E: Had Cricket again (catch the snatch) ben annoys me sometimes. He just completely wrecked the grouping arrangements just by being there D: hes all like  'whaat?' and stuff and were all like 'ben go in that group, your wrecking the group arrangements' and Matt was like 'no ben stay :)'

Lunch: FFS JOEL NOBODY LIKES YOU! I spent half of lunch explaining to joel why nobody likes him, hes all like 'you all take the mic cause im fat and im not fat waaa' but tbf its not that we dont like you cause your fat, your fat because we dont like you.
Norman came back! But went quite quickly. So Sarah was like LOOK AT MY ASSETS! THEY NEED ATTENTION!!
and we were like
but me and oli did sing baby got back to keep her happy :)

Science: Had Doodlebee again :(  she was showing us how to make White sticky stuff ;) and how to grab the huge ball it was lol, oh and laurenn had a spasm and couldnt breath it was like woahh and then she came back and was k. so all good (Y)

Business: Talked to Max about pokemon again, seriously the lesson should be changed from 'Business Studies' to 'Pokemonz Studies' It would be so much more betterer and usefull and stuff :3

Walking Home: For some reason Max and Sally decided to walk home our way it was like 'what?' t'was funny though, We figured out that max is just a ginger version of me with bigger eyes then loz decided that Max's hair isn't actually ginger its 'bringer'


Response To Sally

Yeah Pokemonz easily kicks Sonics ass but lets face it
Fire Red > Leaf Green

Response To Nick


Monday 26 April 2010

oh no you did'n

I Just read nicks blog and would like to mention how utterly offensive and misleading it was.
Sonic 2 was the game that turned me onto games (well pokemon aswell but hey) and is ONE OF THE BEST GAMES OF ALL TIME, OF ALL TIME! So if you say that its for '9' year olds then I have one thing to say to you!!!

grr and stuff.

Sonic 2 is amazing.. every other sonic ever is a pile of shit though tbf

Yum, Blogging


I am actually relatively happy that Sarah, Bailey and Matt are back its like after three weeks you actually begin to miss folk's; and they've actually all brought people back with them! Norman, Bob, Ben..

I had plenty of fun filled lessons today,

IT: ...

English: Heard alot about Matts many adventures in america. IN AMERICA!


Business: Max gave me squids   :(

Science: ...

Sunday 25 April 2010

I Wanna Be The Very Best Like noone Ever Was DUN DUN DUUN to catch them is my real test TO TRAIN THEM IS MA CAUSE!!!

so today has been pretty chilled-

I haven't done much, like nothing.. apart from playing pokemon

because max and sally have been making me think about pokemon more I was like ZOMG IM GENNA PLAY POKEMON!

and it shows how sad I was at it.

My Sapphire Version Party:

Mewtwo Lv. 77
Blastoise Lv. 73
Kyogre Lv. 67
Zapdos Lv. 56
Sceptile Lv. 55
Moltres Lv. 51

My Diamond Version Party:

Heatran Lv. 70
Dialga Lv. 56
Luxray Lv. 50
Torterra Lv. 47
Staraptor Lv. 44
Pikachu Lv. 18

Those are they only ones I could find but I remember having all level 70s on my gold version and two level 90 somethings on my original red which is explainable as I played it for like 7 years(I got it when I was 3 omg the memories)

Thursday 22 April 2010

100th Post

100th post!

apparently people read my blog in IT I like felt so special. Even if they read loads of other peoples aswell. 

Like Hi people.


megan wanted me to do another enjoyable depressing blog so I was like yeah sure i'll do it about you.
but im not going to because its hard.


Me and Oli got to school at like the ultimate timeing as soon as we walked through the gate the bell rang I was like 'wow' and then we saw sarah whos back, (wb btw) and started singing the simpsons because shes lellow :3

First was beadon english when we had to do about arguments and stuff. apparently sharky is figuring out a formula to win the lottery and is going to give it to me because I said that if I win the lottery I would bye him green day. And apparently the last time megan had sex was 4months and 16days ago and she doesn't like it thaaat much.

second was IT we did a test so it sucked.

then was break when sally told me to bye her a ukulele for her birthday.

then was science

then was lunch, ha joel.

then P.E we did cricket and andys like a sap at it. (15 points if it goes in the whole, 50 points if you manage to catch the snatch)

then drama.

then went home and ben like appeared even though he hasn't been here for like time.


Tuesday 20 April 2010

Elephants Toe ;)

Heyz :)

Today I had to walk to school again because Matts still on the slots in vegas

m'king ash and his m'king pikachu had to block of the m'king planes :/ ahwell atleast that means ben and george arn't here ;D

First off I had Drama, it was meh, no ones in my class so :/

Then I had English, Everything about it is shit tbf I used to be good at it like g&t and everything but now I have like choudhery as a teacher and shit and am in a crap seat with no one to talk too :/

then it was break

then I had History we started the GCSE topic about medicine and shit and I got a folder and everything :3 I felt so special.

Then it was lunch,

then it was science with doodlebee, we made ethanol and sally put her rubber duck in the water and it was floating 'round all brapapapin and shit :3

then was maths, its still maths but the class is way better then the other one I was in, for one thing I get to sit next to my buddy cameron :} for another its way easier instead of the teacher going "DO A GAZZILION POINTLESS SUPER LONG SUMS WITH LETTERS AND MINI NUMBERS AND BRACKITZ AND SHIT THAT YOU DONT ACTUALLY GET HOW TO DO IN YOUR BOOK OR I'LL GIVE YOU A DETENTION WHERE U HAVE TO STARE AT MY STANKY CAMELTOE WHICH IS MORE LIKE A FUCKING ELEPHANTS TOE FOR AN HOUR AND DO MORE SUMS AND SHIT!!!"
its,,"oh ok guys where going to do some maths here ok go and get the whiteboards for me and be sure to bend right over while you pick them up, that ok guys?" (mr walsh is just blatantly a paedophile tbf)

then I went home, etc.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Technically Raped

So I went to mere green today because Oli text me and said everyone was there even though no one was there.

So me and Oli were fully chillin quoting southpark and shit

oh hamburgers, hey sharon, your a re-re-reee-aree-retard, mmkay, duhfuck, dont forget to bring a towel, etc.

then we walked for a bit

then we went onto the grass

and then cara turned up with her talkative friend which made me even more pissed that my van got stolen by the chav on EastEnders :@ I missed a perfectly good opportunity.

so then we went to sainsburys and purchased some pretzels and emergency Extra Ice Mints that have special properties that destroys bad breath causing bacteria. ;)

 then we went on the swings and they were all like quiet and stuff so me and Oli decided to play hide and seek to break the ice but then he didn't count enough and saw us blatantly walking off so we ended up on this bench and we climbed the wall. (the one outside costa)

and then Oli ditched me fully and left me with cara and her talkative friend.

and then we walked someone and a gang of year 7s popped out of nowhere and talkative friend was all like 'oo they luv eachother but they wont go out ooo'

and this gang had about 20 of them in it and they blocked us in and said they wouldn't  let us go until I fingered her. So I was like fuck off and walked off
and they started following me.
so I pulled out my phone and pretended to take a picture and they all got scared (being year 7s)
and then they said we'll leave you alone if you hold her hand and kiss her on the cheek so I did and they went.
I tell you now when I get my Van back those kids are going to be the first ones in there.

That is about it.
Until Next Time!

Thursday 15 April 2010

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Hi ;P

Why is it that today everything sounds dirty?

hey can you come?
oh ill give you a lift

im trying so hard to get you off
maybe if you go down

oli: imagine if i pulled my trousers down now my bollocks would be like swinging side to side
me and cameron: ..

hey cameron you could make anything sound dirty
(ha my penis is high when I have an erection)

anyway the rest of the day..

we brought some mega mouth candy spray and i sprayed it in my eye 3 times.

we played chicken on the swings ;)

we ate.

we saw cara twice stalker much ;)

we went home..

Monday 12 April 2010

Urban Dictionary =]

my name in urban dictionary:

1.Daniel4005 up694 down love it hate it
This is a difficult name to define because it defies many boundaries of human perception, let alone various languages. One of the closest translations that experts give is God or many other variations of that general idea.
Other definitions are thought to be:
The Great Spirit
Chuck Norris
Despite the fact that various names have been pinned to Daniel, its seems that all of the above examples (including that of God)cannot even withstand the magnitude of Daniel.
The reason this name continues to elude even the brightest of human minds is that the idea of Daniel cannot possibly exist in a dimensional state. Daniel is so powerful, it defies all laws of this or any other universe. Recent studies have shown that people who have attempted to comprehend this name have either disappeared, died spontaneously, or driven themselves into a pertinent state of insanity and/or catatonia. One common belief is that Daniel is possibly the grounds on which everything and nothing is based. It seems to surpass the idea of infinity. Quantum physicists report that this Daniel is Everything and Nothing. It or He is said to have unexplainable connections with the String and Superstring Theories as Daniel resonates within every single layer of the multi-dimensional complex and yet still exists beyond that point which is where scientists have lost the trail. Various theologists and spiritual leaders believe that Daniel is one who is, as they say, "The Answer". All attempts to understand this idea of Daniel have failed.
Daniel. Nothing else can describe him.

2.DAN1566 up600 down love it hate it
What your girl be screamin' while you at work.
Ohhh DAN, DAN, your SO GOOD!

6.DAN907 up565 down love it hate it
Can also be used to describe anally pandering someone and can really mean anything you want it to.
I'm going to DAN you so hard your DAN falls off and DAN will thoroughly DANicate on your DAN. MASSIVE.

7.Dan299 up54 down love it hate it
1.n.- A man of good humor, high potential, and deep intelect. Usually one who may "blend in" but would be foolish to underestimate.

2.v.- To give the ultimate sexual pleasure to a woman.
I danned her up good.

laurenn :')

danтнeмan вlyтнey        says:
*ill give you a lesson on advanced birds and the bees if u want :)
Laurennnnn.  :) says:
*go for it :P
      danтнeмan вlyтнey        says:
*theory or practicul?
Laurennnnn.  :) says:
*think we shud stick to theory for the time being
      danтнeмan вlyтнey        says:
*before the practice of sexual intercourse takes place all thoe men are always up and ready women need some motivation before they start this can be known as 'foreplay'or 'priming the turkey'
Laurennnnn.  :) says:
      danтнeмan вlyтнey        says:
*this can involve extensive rubbing, licking, kissing, touching etc. 
Laurennnnn.  :) says:
*kay you can stop now thanks :)
      danтнeмan вlyтнey        says:
*:-O i didnt even get onto actual sex!
Laurennnnn.  :) says:
*im sure ill live :P
      danтнeмan вlyтнey        says:
*if you call that living ;)


*read camerons blogpost except change the section about monopoly to walking to sainsburys because I was hungry*

Thursday 8 April 2010

Come on and Blog ;D

The general gist of today is I've been in meres for about 7 hours (that's like a record or something)

There were quite a few people there
it started off as me, Oli, Olivia, Maisie, Ellie, Tayla and Luke
and ended up with me, Oli, Olivia, Maisie, Ellie, Tayla, Luke, Max, Megan, Jake, Liam, Mitchell, Jack, Becky, Cara (kindof) and some more who I cant remember and other random groups of people who like joined.

Quote of the Day: Text message received "just going to the toilet"
Spoken reply "What do you want me to do, Wipe your fucking arse?"
*Walks in front of us*

Pretzels are amazing me oli olivia maisey and max went into sainsburys to get some food and came out with one bag of pretzels :') they are fully nice thou tbh (me and max kinda detoured to look at pokemonz :3) oh and we saw alex in sainsburys aswell we didnt speak we just saw her :3

-youknowwho- was there and she actually came up to us and started talking to me I was like wow that was a big leap.

I walked into a bar.. ouch

We spent ages looking for a trolley and then found one and then didnt do much with it and noticed there was another trolley behind us.

We just properly chilled for most the day thou.

good times :')

Wednesday 7 April 2010

My dream

Okaay my dream kinda made sense soo

Started off I was this guy from the russian army or something else (I know I was Russian) and me and my wife were sent to attack America on these awsome red speed boat things.

So we went to America on the speed boat (America was about a minute away) and went through like a canel which went straight through the city. On the way through I saw some people I know (can't remember who they were thoe) Then we parked the speedboat and realised we had to wait for an hour for more russians on speedboats to come because we'd got there early.

So then I decided to go into the city to pass the time. So we went through the city on the boat again.

For some reason when we got back I no longer spoke Russian and people I New who I can't remember where there.

So then the Americans realised I was Russian even thoe I wasn't anymore so I pulled out an Uzi but wasn't good at shooting so oli shot instead from the passenger seat and we started driving off. So then we shot some people and I got shot in the head but it was fine.

Then the boat and canel disappeared and we were with way more people who I can't remember apart from I think mallsopp was there.

Loads of the people who were shot started like turning into zombies but I remember telling everyone there not really zombies even thoe they were like infecting people and stuff.

So we had to hide and found this shed with these random sepia tone crying children in there speaking a weird language. For some reason I said it's ok there just Jews hiding from the Nazis in all seriousness. Then I remember someone saying we should go and get more people and me saying let's get cameron (we didn't :D) Then more zombies who wernt zombies came and started trying to kill us so we ran and then split up and then more people died and then I was being attacked by a Zombie and nobody helped for ages and then we went back to the boat which had dissapeared but had reappeared in the canal and found my Russian wife.

And then I woke up.


Tuesday 6 April 2010

80th Post

Hai :3

its either monday tuesday wednesday or thursday (I cant remember I lost track)

ino its not friday saturday or sunday thoe cause theres stuff on tv those days

I havn't properly posted in a while (well it probably hasn't been a while but as I said before I lost track of time)

soo glad its the holidays :D

and its two weeks which is good

and i'm actually doing stuff which is also good

but I don't see some people which is bad

but I don't see some other people which is good

anyway i'm losing track

I had some easter eggs which is good because they're made of chocolate which is good because chocolate is supposed to momentarily give you the feeling of being in love (i watched charlie and the chocolate factory)

Were going to watch paranormal activity on thursday (omg thats not today! so it cant be thursday!)
I hope someone cakes themselves :) (aslong as there not close to me)

I'm using alot of subtext and brackets in this post (yes you are mwuhaha and stuff)

Nick if you read this your drawings are amazing especially the cupcake (can you pweeze draw me a gangster pikachu with a lightsaber?)

thats about it..  -kisses hand and makes a wooshing noise as he puts it over the camera- bye:D

Friday 2 April 2010

nd shit
ffs cameron i think your losing track. if you dont remember ANDY was your first friend at arthur terry and you havnt even mentioned him im disgusted