Thursday 18 March 2010

yesterdays tomorrow and shizzle :P


r.e: we drew penis's inside ppls mouths in the r.e textbook :') were such rebels :')

I.T.. I think: meh :)

break: meh :)

wtf did I have third?

Lunch: OMFG BAILEYS MOM IS A MILF! Were just to hardcore to follow the crowd and go on the field, effort, like so last year.

Music: We watched ppl from the 'talented' group perform (me and sharkey are in the retard group) We got in trouble for laughing but its like 'tbf miss its ben on his fart machine, followed by nick singing will friken young how in the fuck are we going to not laugh!? Especially with oli doing him smooth head banging its literally impossible not to, and we wern't the only ppl laughing, so why make us stand up on our own infront of everyone and tell us how disappointed and let down you were, and then to punish us you said we had to perform infront of everyone next time we do this. whis is going to be in like half a year so you will of forgotten anyway and tbh we were going to actually ask if we could perform anyway so HA!'

Drama: Were doing a script but it sounded really retarded because she said we cant put an accent on when it was written in an accent so it sounded fully retarded.

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