Thursday 4 March 2010

Todayy and shizzle <=== suchan original title ;D


school has become so much better since spring hit its like wtf! ;D even in lessons which makes no sense! THE SUN REALLY BRIGHTENS MY WORLD AND NOT JUST PAGE 3!! (worst jk ever I should delete it but I cba even thoe I wrote all of this down which kind of doesnt make sense, I'm weird like that)

ok laurenn was going on at me walking home from school about not mentioning her in my blog and then it hit me, I never mention anyone in my blog! so in my blog for today i'm going to completely rip off the post that Cameron just did and write about people

Firstly Graham: Ok Graham kicks frickin ass at staring contests! HE BEAT ME TWICE IN A ROW! I know he cant blink or anything because hes made out of popsicle sticks and googley eyes but still!

Secondly Cameron: I have to put him because he put me first in his blog we did some shizzle in r.e with paper and I loled :) At break as a joke he gos look its olis stalker! because there was a girl with a purple bag and I was like that actually is her and it was! ;) I loled

Thirdly Matt: I walked to school with Matt this morning on our two we made three awesome tunes it was bad ass (8) urm ye jacob ye urm ye jacob jacob

Fourthly Sharkey: That Text he got was hilarious I cant even remember if it was today or yesterday 'you are the sausage to my roll' LMFAO!!

I'm going to stop saying the lys now

:O SARAH BLATANTLY BROUGHT IN COOKIES BECAUSE I SAID I WOULD IN MY BLOG AND DIDN'T! (I don't mean that even thoe its true I just wanted you to feel how I felt about the mcdonalds thing for a second or two HUMPH)

I don't know how megan or sally come out with the one liners and comebacks they do but they are always hilarious!

Joel got owned by Abi in IT


happy now :D

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