Thursday 24 May 2012

Annual blog for myself

Hello future me.
I'm sure that you're aware that this was your first blog in exactly a year.
Ok, now I'm going to ask you a few questions.
Firstly, what is up
Secondly, how is life
Thirdly, what awesome 'shit' has happened recently
Fourthly, have you learnt anything about yourself?
And finally, have you found God? If so than you seriously need to sort that out. Pronto.



This blog post is exclusively for the entertainment of my future self and has no other meaning or purpose; if I find myself cringing heavily at this than I would appreciate it if I slapped myself in the face.
This year has been decent, at least its been much better than the pile of shit we call "last year".
I think that the main reason that this year  has been better is that:


piece out

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Second Blog in 369.

lol 369.
Is that like a sex position where theirs just some dude with there arse sticking out at the side?
This is probably going to be the last blog I ever do on this.


This blog is only here for complete procrastination purposes and not to signify a return to blogging.
(I don't know why I said that because the only people to read this are cameron and sarah who are probably sitting next to me right now in some kind of lesson, probably citizenship or IT) sup mans tell me i'm pretty.

All in all year 10 has been a bit shit.
So shit in fact that I have absolutely nothing to blog about that's actually happy.
Which makes no sense at all as I generally am a happy person these days.
Maybe its just because everything's so boring, well not boring more like unoriginal.
Every joke.
Every pun.
Every lesson.
Every conversation.
Every fail.
Every tiny piece of so called 'drama' that's happened recently has been done before.
and over

apart from bailey who got considerably more retarded and 'straight' before returning to normality this year.
The only thing that's got any better is this. The internet. The TV. and anything in general that pulls you away from having an actual life. Which unfortunately I don't have much of recently.
Oh yeah and I started getting shitfaced this year.
That explains the happiness.
lol i'm like a binge lifer.


First blog in 369 days.


Thursday 20 May 2010


first was beedon we did an exam question but were aloud to listen to music because shes safe like that.
Then IT which I had to stay behind in to finish my work
Then Break I stayed behind to finish my work
Then Science with Withy we marked our tests I got a C but its ok because lauren and georgia both got Us
Then Lunch The day pretty much started :')

TWAS HOT TO HOT but its so much better being hot then cold so I don't care Becky asked me to pay for an Ice Lolly but the Q was tonk so I left. Went to lunch and ate. Came back with Oli and saw lots of people with long hard ice lollys that looked incredibly wrong, especially the way they were sucking them. We lol'd hard.
Oli had this water right and maisey was like can I have some and he was like kay and then the rest of that 'crew' were like can I have some so he gave them all some, then when we got to p.e cas tom aza loz brad ect wanted some so he gave them some. Then I wanted some so I had some then matt frith ben wanted some and eventually he had the backwash of about 20 people in his drink :') yum.

P.E was HOT because nadia needs a little help with rounders Bailey was losing it.Like bare anger and stuff his ears had like steam coming out of them. So iv'e decided to give him anger management courses.

Then was Drama were we watched a year 13 performance. To say the least the play sounded like Cameron and Sally had sat down and thought about it.
'They should have like these kids yeah'
'Aw theey should get raped LOL'
'by there mom!'
'aw yeah that would be so lawl :3'
'And they could like feel each other up and shit'
'and like be sick on her face!'
'and like she could have fuckin spesed up spasm!'

Thats actually was what it was like someones mom did rape there kids and was sick on their face. And then she had a proper spasm so one of the kids shot her.

Then I went home

Then I went and got my hair cut

Then I went KFC cause its finger lickin' gooood


Tuesday 18 May 2010



So on sunday we went to the park, it was fun. Like bare swings and bouncy balls and pubes and shit.
I walked into a sign at some point, it was like oops.

Its now officially exam season so were doing a bunch of mocks that loads of people are cakeing themselves over , chillax its a mock :D

'ooh.. OOH where to you goin now!'
'OH nowhere'
such engaging convos with liv ;D

Erm first had drama and at the start we had to go outside and play some gay game were you have to run around and link arms and like everyone doing p.e was like watching and stuff.

then english

then break nobody would give me a cookie :( apart from charlie who gave me half of his(Y)

then science

the lunch we played bareee catch

then history with the medicine through time :( it had to be medicine! could of been anything interesting like war or masturbation.

then Mathzzzz it was like sucha hardcore lesson everyone was being such badmanz :')


Publish Post

Sunday 16 May 2010


went park.

Friday 14 May 2010